Living a creative life is my goal.
Admittedly, it seems lofty, luxurious and completely out-of-reach some days.
There are days when my “To Do” list is long and the hours are too short to get everything done. Those are the days when “living a creative life” seems impossible. Yet those are the times when I need some creativity in my life the most!
Sometimes I feel downright cranky that I can’t spare the time to work on all those projects that are rolling around in my head because the laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning and the list goes on… Those things don’t just magically happen! Plus all those responsibilities get in the way of fun! Seriously though, instead of seeing it that way I am trying to keep in mind, learn and remind myself that there are many little ways to add some creativity to my life every day. I try to add a little fun creative sparkle to anything possible. And it makes everything easier!
Infusing creativity into my life is sometimes what gets me through the day. I use creativity to solve problems. To me creativity is about making life, easier, fancier and more enjoyable. It is not frivolous. It is enriching, inspiring and fulfilling.
Below are the ways I found to accomplish this goal. I welcome your comments and ideas about other interesting and fun ways to add creativity to our lives. I invite you to join me on this journey of living a creative life!
Thanks for sharing your view I found it verying interesting.